Thursday, February 23, 2017

Troubled Sea

Ran across this video today: Rend Collective "My Lighthouse"

The first line of the song just resonates with me, "In my wrestling, in my doubts, in my failures you won't walk out. Your great love will lead me through. You are the peace in my troubled sea."

So often I am troubled, as life throws all sorts of problems at me. Making adult decisions is something that even for the last 24 years of my actual adulthood, that I so often try to do on my own. I'm stubborn, I'm an introvert. I keep it all bottled up and just surge forward on my own trying to keep my head above water without asking anyone for help or advice. Even God. I let my troubled sea of burdens continue to deluge me with sinking waves.

Yet, even in these times when my sea is troubled, when the waters are rocking my boat, and the life jacket feels just out of reach, there is a light that will guide me safely home. I just have to look. I have to take a pause, a moment to look up from my troubles and lean on someone, to lean on HIM, and to see that He has a light shining for me, leading me home.

It was a good reminder listening to this song this morning that as they lyrics state "I will trust the promise you will carry me safe to shore."

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