Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First Day of School Prayer

So today was the first day of Jessi's last year of high school, and Robby's first day of his last year of elementary school. Meanwhile, Jason is starting week three of college classes out in Colorado. Listen carefully friends, it is NO joke when I say, TIME MOVES TO FAST! I feel like I blinked and lost 5 years. 

I saw this prayer today and had to share it, and blog it so I could save it. It captures everything. 

El Shaddai,
Walk with them. Reveal Yourself—in ways old and new. Please be near.
Fuel their passions. Strengthen their resolve. Fill their hearts with peace and love.
When loneliness comes, be their Friend.
When fear overwhelms, be their Rock.
When the path seems hidden, be their Light.
When they are broken, heal their hurts.
When they doubt their calling, be their ever Burning Bush.
When they doubt You, show up big.
May they fall in love with learning.
May they discover new gifts.
May they steward well their money, their talents, their time.
May they discern Your truth and cling to it. Tight.
I pray for a church home where they can find community and be fed.
I pray for a mentor who will challenge them and cheer them on.
I pray for some life-long, life-giving friends.
Build into their being tenacity and resilience,
Patience and compassion,
Boldness and gentleness,
And a deep dependence on You.
When they trip and fall, or when they run headlong in the wrong way, be their Father. Pursue them relentlessly. Pierce their soul. Lift them up. Dust them off. And bring them back.
You are God

So, while I know this year will again fly by with a lot of new challenges for Jason, a lot of last times for Jessi and a world of growth for Robby, I pray that in all that this year brings, that my children will continue to grow in faith. 
Here's to another school year! 

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