Sometimes I fail. Sometimes I hit snooze. Sometimes I know I need to do something and I ignore it for As. Long. As. Possible. Sometimes my dishes sit in the sink for TWO days. Sometimes my laundry is a mountain that seems impossible to climb. And, sometimes, just sometimes, my daily grind begins to grind on me.
These are days like today. Today I did NOT want to get up. My alarm was set for 4:30am, I had an early morning workout planned. I had conferences at 7:15am, I had to work, then another meeting at noon, then more work then a wrestling meet. I cannot get it all done. I managed to wash my blender and a few dishes. One load of laundry. Ironed the hubby's clothes for the wrestling meet. Made it to conferences almost on time, with my hair done, makeup on and REAL clothes - not workout clothes. On the way home, the days To-Do List was running through my mind. There was this never-ending list ahead of me. I was letting the grind grind me down. Walking up the walk to my door I saw this view...
If I had slept in, I would have missed the sunrise, the sparkle of ice and frost on all the trees, the crunch of the snow under my feet. The cold, so cold it freezes in your nose, brisk air on my face. And the peace that comes early in the morning when it's just you and a glimpse of God's creation. This picture doesn't even do it justice. It was so gorgeous that I just stopped as I was mid-thought on item number 29 of today's list. I stopped and balanced my coffee and snapped a pic, thinking I'm lucky I even looked up to see this. I was so lost in my own world that I wasn't looking around. I wasn't looking for the glimpse of beauty that was right there in front of me. And if nothing else, I had a moment of peace in my busy day. A moment of thankfulness for the world I live in, the home I love, and the beauty that is around me.
If we don't look beyond our own lives and to-do lists, we cannot be there for others. If we are obsessed with our own failures, how are we going to be a light to others? Life is meant to be lived. No just to be alive, not just breathing and doing, but truly lived. Enjoy all the little moments. Treasure all the little joys. Bless those around you. Be the glorious masterpiece God intended you to be. Instead of dwelling on what you have to do, dwell instead on what's been given to you. Some wise person once said, "Count your blessings." Today my blessings completely outnumber my to-do lists and my burdens.
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