Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Dear Parents...

Parents of athletes come in all sorts. Lately, I'm frustrated to say, that the bad seem to outweigh the good. Maybe it's because I've been around athletics and parents for over 20 years and sometimes what you see and hear just rubs you the wrong way. So, I'm going to get on a soapbox for a moment...


Yes, I shouted that. Look, parents, I've had two kids graduate already. The time goes by so fast, and once it's gone, it's gone. You can't fix the "would've, should've, could've" that plague your mind. Support your kids now. They want to wrestle, support them. They want to be in band, support them. They aren't sure what they want to do? Help them discover their passions whatever that may be. I am a huge advocate of "just be involved" - whether it's arts, athletics, community, whatever... Keeping kids busy and teaching them life skills, that do not revolve around video games or partying, will help keep them out of trouble. 

Yes, I know that we all have jobs, meetings, deadlines, dinner to fix, groceries to buy, houses to clean, and hobbies of our own, and a negative balance of time once we jam it all in. But, I am here to tell you that staying up till 2 am on a school night while your kid tries to crank out homework, after getting home from a meet or game at 11 pm, is worth it. Traveling all over the state, whether it's once a week or three times a week, is worth it. Getting up at 4 am to get food ready for a table of wrestlers, who will undoubtedly forget to say thank you, driving over an hour to deliver said prepared food, and then sitting in the hard uncomfortable stands all day, to watch him/her maybe wrestle for 3 minutes the entire day.. Yes, let me say it again, IT'S WORTH IT! 

I have watched so many kids go through our programs here. The majority of the parents are supportive, die-hard, do-anything without grumbling parents. Then there's the other 5%, the 5% who want this to be about them, who ruin something their kid actually loves to do, who aren't there to support, but to complain. Please don't be that parent. Please, and yes I am pleading, PLEASE, take a time-out when you want to complain and moan about coaches, parents, kids, travel, or their sport/activity in general. Take a time-out and ask yourself, will saying this help? Will doing/not-doing this be something I regret? 

I know, I've slipped into that category throughout the years. I'm not perfect, there are mornings I just want to sleep, or read, or just clean my house, but I have some 40 years of life or more (hopefully) after my kids are gone, when these days of watching them compete are over. I will have decades to sleep, read and clean. I've sent my older two off (far off) to college already. There are already things I wish I could go back and change, BUT YOU CAN'T. That's life. Life isn't fair. We can't be multiple places at once. We can't pause time or get it back once it's gone. All we can do is live in the moment, and hope that we make the best choices possible for our kids. 

So today, Dear Parents, I'm asking for your help. Let's give these kids a good experience. Let's all be adults and help support them and their passions. Let them see the bonds and experiences that they build in extra-curricular's are important. Let's block the negativity, support the passions, ignite the fire, and build a community of support for them. 

Your's Truly, 
Tired of the Negativity Mom

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