So, as a former Beachbody coach, I have spent a few years taking Shakeology, what I discovered was that I loved the product, but it is really expensive. When it was just myself taking it, it was not a problem, but then my 2 oldest and my youngest all want to share and who can afford 4 boxes a month?? Not at $100 a bag (that's with the coach discount)...
So I started doing some research, and I am currently on the hunt for a healthy, whole foods, protein mix that preferably has probiotics and some vitamins. I've found my body seems to absorb vitamins from the shakes better than a capsule.
If you are interested in what exactly is out there, well just follow along. If you have a favorite that you have tried, let me know! I have quite a few samples to try and looking for more everyday.
First up, I tried Life's Abundance. I loved the health coach that sells it (this is another MLM company with business opportunities), she was friendly and helpful. I also like that their company sells dog/cat food and pet products. I tried the Mineral & Antioxidant drink - loved it! As did my husband and son. I also tried the Green's Blend and loved this as well. I mixed it with a cup of juice, a banana, and some frozen blueberries. However, when I tried the Plant Protein I was a little disappointed... The flavor was not that great, and it was just protein. They sell the probiotics separately. So I would end up combining three products if I go with this brand (the greens, the probiotics and the protein).
So today, I had a lovely lady in Colorado, send me a ton of samples of Thrive. So I started my Thrive experience today... more to come after I've had a few samples on this one!
The crazy and the calm, the days that bring me Faith, and the moments that bring me Blessings, my inspirations and musings, my hopes and dreams, my attempts to fix me, my failures and my success, my climb to make dreams a reality. These are the ramblings and thoughts of a 40 something, wife and mom, 2/3 of the way to an empty nest, still trying to learn how to better myself and the world around me...
Monday, January 30, 2017
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Screaming Puppy Mud and Wine
Last night I was going to be productive. I was going to sort my husband's wrestling team uniforms. But I have a dog. Make that one dog and one puppy. A cat. And a soon to be 13 year old boy at home. I knew such a feat required wine, which I had.
I shortly discovered this would also require some system of blockade. My 13 year old's ingenious mind quickly went to work on fencing his mother in with the sofa, coffee table uniforms, ottoman, boxes, and tubs... I was secured. I was sorting. I was ORGANIZED.
Of course as soon as I got on a roll, the puppy wanted to play. She must sense that the uniforms were distracting me in some way from her, because she would bring her toy, lay on the ottoman, and ever so gently drop it onto my stacks of uniforms. I told my son to go play with her, keep her out of my neat and organized piles. He played. For two seconds. Then she was back, dropping her toy onto my pile. And somehow she managed to always drop it on the tallest of piles most likely to tip. So the cycle began, "go play with her!"... after two seconds of tug of the rope, or one toss of fetch, the son was back to trying to make contraptions out of mouse traps. Yes, this is truly what was so important, and yes, they were clean traps. The puppy was back. After about 5 - 6 times of this I almost snapped, but I caught myself and gave the "stern" look, that had him saying "ok, ok..." This time he let her outside. I don't know about you, but where we are here in Michigan in January, there is no snow. There is mud. A lot of mud. And the puppy LOVES mud. But at least the puppy was outside.
So my sorting frenzy began again. I had just finished my piles, sat back and was adoring my absolute work of art! I had 8 neat piles, labeled, stacked, and I had recorded numbers. I was amazing. Then the kid let the puppy in... My light tan ottoman was quickly covered in puppy mud, as the puppy jumped over the ottoman ONTO my piles!
I snapped. Truly and crazily. I may have swore. I may have swung at the dog as I pushed her off my once truly amazing piles, but she couldn't go anywhere because she was no trapped in the blockade with me. As I continued to scream "Get her out!" ... with a few expletives. My kid was profusely apologizing and blaming "You said let her in!" UGH...
That's how motherhood goes, at least in my world. I was on such a good streak. Sticking to my "better me" plan, tackling a project, cleaning, eating well, reading, devotions, always saying something nice... And then the muddy puppy ruined it. In a split second I became the raving lunatic mom. The mom that I once thought had to be crazy to scream at her kids like that. I admitted my erroneous ways to my friends and sister in a group text. One of them said it was due, that I had the patience of a saint for far too long. But I felt terrible. I fixed my piles, I had to wipe off a few uniforms. My son scrubbed the ottoman. We survived.
I was reading my devotions this morning and realized, I'm not terrible. I may have had a temporary bout of insanity, fueled by puppy mud, but I am not terrible. I am human. I am a sinner. I may be made in the image of God, but I am not Godly. I am human. And in all my glorious humanity last night, I felt God snicker in the back of my mind. He knows what it's like. He knows how it is to tell his children, do this... do this... do this... but we don't. We pick our own roads, and we travel our own paths. And sometimes, I think God, gives us these snapping moments to bring us back to reality.
Being organized, even just for one brief moment, doesn't make me a better mom. It may make me efficient in that moment. It may make some of life's tasks easier. But that doesn't make me better. Being loving, taking time to be "in the moment" with my loved ones. That makes me better. Listening to God's voice and looking for his path and direction for my family. That makes me better. Not that I have given up on trying to be more organized. It's still on my to do list. But last night was just a reminder that this slight failure, while I thought I was doing so well, doesn't ruin me. So thank you crazy muddy puppy for bringing me back to reality.
Monday, January 16, 2017
Is My Workout God's Calling?
I'll be 42 next month, and let's just say that taking a year (or more) off of working out and eating healthy doesn't look the same at 42 as it did at 29...
I've been "athletic" my entire life. It's in my genes. And yes, I am blessed. However, starting fresh this morning was rough. I think I could feel the shakiness of my lungs after 10 minutes. It was not pleasant. I'm already feeling the soreness after the workout. I'm sure I won't be walking normal tomorrow. But I had to start somewhere. When I say I "had" to, it's not because of the physical reasons - gained weight, fatigue, that soft tire of flab developing in my mid section, arms, thighs, etc... Those are definite reasons, but not my reason.
This time around I don't have physical goals. I'm not training for a 1/2 marathon (or even a 5k). I'm not stepping on the scale and measuring inches. (As a side note, other than for the wrestlers in my family, I do not believe in the scale. Ever.) I'm not running challenge groups (Dear Beachbody) or doing it to try and make sales. My only inspiration this time around is for how I want "Me" to reflect on others.
I've been "athletic" my entire life. It's in my genes. And yes, I am blessed. However, starting fresh this morning was rough. I think I could feel the shakiness of my lungs after 10 minutes. It was not pleasant. I'm already feeling the soreness after the workout. I'm sure I won't be walking normal tomorrow. But I had to start somewhere. When I say I "had" to, it's not because of the physical reasons - gained weight, fatigue, that soft tire of flab developing in my mid section, arms, thighs, etc... Those are definite reasons, but not my reason.
This time around I don't have physical goals. I'm not training for a 1/2 marathon (or even a 5k). I'm not stepping on the scale and measuring inches. (As a side note, other than for the wrestlers in my family, I do not believe in the scale. Ever.) I'm not running challenge groups (Dear Beachbody) or doing it to try and make sales. My only inspiration this time around is for how I want "Me" to reflect on others.
"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in your midst?
If anyone destroys God's temple, god will destroy that person; for God's temple is sacred,
and you together are that temple." ~1 Cor. 3:16-17
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit,
who is in you, whom you have received from God?
You are not your own." ~1 Cor 6:19
I spent all of 2016 in a "funk" to say the least. No motivation. No inspiration. Too busy for anything and most everything. I started drinking Diet Coke again, started eating fast food and junk again. Quit working out. Quit doing devotions. Watched too much TV. Quit reading. Yep... in 2016 I let my life spiral down the toilet.
But with all my better choices and goals that I am making, fueling my body and spirit are top on my list. Balancing my time, partially by staying off facebook, twitter, snapchat, instagram, etc... (there are way too many social media sites now) and by limiting the time spent vegging on the couch, I can find all kinds of ways to fit in what 2016 was lacking.
Finding time for devotions, reading and just being in prayer will help fill that spiritual and emotional hole. Filling this hole will allow me to go out and be that better person, just as working out my muscles and body will allow me to have the energy to do what I need to do.
"Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark,
it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you."
Luke 11:36
I can't say that I've ever fully realized what specifically "My Purpose" on this world is. Mom, wife, friend, cheerleader and motivator, volunteer... I've had these roles, but what defines me? And maybe this is something we should continually ask ourselves anyway as our purpose likely changes everyday. Maybe some days my purpose is just to get my family to school and work. Maybe other days it's paying it forward to an unknown stranger. Maybe other times, it's being that listening ear for friends and family. But what I do know, is this:
"it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Do everything without grumbling"
[yes, even the dirty laundry, dishes, puke clean up, and washing of nasty
smelly football and wrestling uniforms]
"or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, 'children of God without fault
in a warped and crooked generation.' Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky."
Phil 2:13-15
I know that for me to shine in my purpose, whatever that may be, that I need to seek God's voice. I don't know his plans, but I know that they are good. I just have to fill my body and my soul with what is good and pleasing. So, at 41 going on 42, starting a workout program was pure torture. But if it enriches this temple to do God's work, I'm all in.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Who I Am
Some may call it a mid life crisis. Maybe they're right. I prefer to call it a season of growth. But however you look at it, I am 'that' mom/wife/women in her early 40's who hears that question growing in the back of my head. "Who am I?" Let me tell you who I was...
As a teenager, I was the shy, nerdy, athletic girl. I was good enough at sports with a few close friends that I rarely got picked on, but I was never the popular girl. I was always on the fringes of the "popular" crowd. They knew me, were nice to me, but hadn't truly accepted me. Which in all honesty, I was fine with. I'm an introvert by nature. Sticking to my few close friends, with my good grades and sports was all I needed. In high school I became part of a "couple." My first real boyfriend happened at the end of my sophomore year, and to this day (ahem... almost 26 years later) is still the love of my life. And then my circle of friends expanded, they now included his friends.
The college years were a lot of the same, I was still pretty much the same person I was in high school. Good grades, still athletic, and still just a few close friends, which now included those girls in my dorm room and across the hallway. I still didn't go to parties, unless I was dragged along to the be designated driver, and I still had a boyfriend at home.
Then there was marriage. Now our friends were "couples", which basically met I now had friends that included his friends' wives. It was fun, we had card nights, we all had babies and toddlers, we had vacations and cruises. Life was good. I was more "out there" then anytime before in my life. My circle had again expanded, I had new friends from the kids' friends. My life was full and busy. Two young kids, 14 months apart, a new husband, a new house... Not that there weren't problems, arguments and rough spots, there was, but I wasn't a troubled person. I was a young mom and wife, who was just trying to figure out "how" to do all that, and still work.
A few years later, I fell into a "career", the two youngest had started school, then a quick conversation about kids with my husband and we were back to being pregnant, and soon had a third child, who was about 7 years behind the other two. So the baby cycle started all over again, and again the circle expanded, and at the same time, the circle closed some as well. Have you ever heard of having friends for a season? I can exactly point out those friends in every season of my life. I don't wish them angst and I don't wish things had been different. I sometimes miss different pieces of those friends, but in all, sometimes our circle can only be so big.
Finally, the youngest made it into school. Praise God and Hallelujah! Three kids in three schools at one point when the oldest started high school. Three kids doing about 9 different sports and activities. Which led to a huge change in my circle. I became the "volunteer". It started with a team mom, that led to a board member, to running the board, to running multiple boards, then being on the school board, then coaching... and the circle became huge. Sometimes my introverted self couldn't handle it. I soon realized, that as a volunteer (which seems like a "nice" word, but let me tell you, some of my largest challenges and biggest moments that pushed me towards a mental breakdown revolve around that word) many minutes are spent dealing with angry parents, repetitive questions, and people that want everything for nothing. Now, I definitely feel that I get way more out of volunteering than problems, or I wouldn't do it, but there are times when a day at the field leaves you curled in a ball on the couch, grasping for a bottle of wine, and hoping that no one ever talks to you. Ever again. But at this point in my life, I was pushed out of my introverted bubble of smallness.
My quiet, comfortable world was expanded in epic amounts. I had to talk to people, a lot. I had to deal with issues. I had to organize and set schedules (type A I am not). I learned. I grew. I managed to become a better person, mother and friend - at least I'm hoping that's what those close to me would say. My life was super busy, but it wasn't "full". There was always something, something in the back of my mind, saying "try this, or that, or that..." I have tried hobbies galore, some of them very beneficial - like training for half-marathons (I wish I was in that type of physical shape still), but most have fallen by the wayside.
Almost two years ago, as my oldest was facing graduation and picking a school 24 hours away, that busy wasn't me. Busy kept me occupied. Kept me going, filled my days and hours on end. But the people around me, my family, they are what completed me. And now, faced with sending my son into the mountains of Colorado, I realized that who I was, was no longer. Then in a blink of an eye, 12 months later, I was signing my daughter up for a school, much closer, but still 8 hours away and three states away. Ladies, my babies have flown the nest, and yes I encouraged it (I'll save that for another day). With just the husband, one kid, two dogs and a cat left at home. My world had once again become quiet.
Now, let's get this straight, I still am a sucker for being a volunteer, and with my youngest still in school, well I have another 7 years of being prey for all these volunteer groups, but let me tell you this. One kid in sports (and he does 6 sports, two each season) is a breeze, compared to three, and that breeze is like a calm, warm wind on your face that says "it is okay to relax." While I wouldn't change a moment of my busy life with three kids, I also am very eager to accept the calm after the storm. And while life is still busy, it is much calmer than before.
I guess the question isn't really "Who Am I". I know who I am and am comfortable in all my faults and strengths. The question ahead of me at this point is "Who is the better me?" What have I not had time for all these years that would improve my life, my family's life and overall life in general? Believe me, I have a list. Not a bucket list, I have one of those too, but a "Now that you have free time you need to do" list...
* Devotions and Church attendance for spiritual health
* Working out/running for physical health
* Cutting out the brownies and caffeine (which, YES, I am currently eating and drinking those as I type) for physical health.
* Taking more classes for work and finish my Master's Degree - for my mental health.
* Take more vacations or just spend more weekends at the river property - I'm pretty sure this falls under mental health as well...
* Spend time with my family - which I think just benefits us in every way possible.
* Blog/write/journal - this can be mental and spiritual
* Get caught up on scrapbooks - help me, but this is a true nightmare...
* Organize my house, set an actual cleaning schedule - not sure what this falls under but organization is my enemy...
* Budget, budget, budget... which is for financial health and is another fault. It comes with not being organized.
Throughout every season of my life I have done all of this, not all at the same time, at least not for extended lengths of time. Something always gets cut out, not enough time... But I have decided that this season, this - adapting to what will be an empty nest season; this - becoming a better me season.. This next chapter moving forward is Do or Don't. Either I become better or I don't. Either I start making changes or I become lazy.

And eventually, at some point in my life, I will have the answers to the questions in the back of my head, and I will be able to say, when I grew up I became...
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Hello, Again...
Almost every new year I reintroduce myself to the blog... This last year was one of "those" years where my New Years post was my only post. Very sad. I truly miss writing and sharing my thoughts.
So yes, let me introduce myself again.
Over the past year I have transitioned down to a household of 3. My son is still out in Colorado, and my daughter moved to college down in Tennessee. I also transitioned back into the years of the dreaded middle school days as my youngest entered 6th grade last fall.
I am no pro on mothering. On being a wife. None of it. I am constantly failing and trying to learn again, but this last year was one of the hardest. Now that I have adapted, somewhat, to the household of three this year holds promises again.
What have I learned this year? I've had to learn how to cook for just three. My oldest two ate just about anything. My youngest and husband are the picky eaters. I've had to rearrange time frames, back to school drop off every day as my two oldest aren't here to drive the youngest anymore. I've learned how precious those crazy days with three kids were, and how to spend those now free moments when I don't have kids at three different practices anymore.
What I still have to learn? A lot. I keep thinking that the longer I am a wife and mom that the more I know, but really what I learned is that the longer that I am a wife and mom, the more there is to learn.
So this year is about the learning and growing. Cheers 2017!
So yes, let me introduce myself again.
Over the past year I have transitioned down to a household of 3. My son is still out in Colorado, and my daughter moved to college down in Tennessee. I also transitioned back into the years of the dreaded middle school days as my youngest entered 6th grade last fall.
I am no pro on mothering. On being a wife. None of it. I am constantly failing and trying to learn again, but this last year was one of the hardest. Now that I have adapted, somewhat, to the household of three this year holds promises again.
What have I learned this year? I've had to learn how to cook for just three. My oldest two ate just about anything. My youngest and husband are the picky eaters. I've had to rearrange time frames, back to school drop off every day as my two oldest aren't here to drive the youngest anymore. I've learned how precious those crazy days with three kids were, and how to spend those now free moments when I don't have kids at three different practices anymore.
What I still have to learn? A lot. I keep thinking that the longer I am a wife and mom that the more I know, but really what I learned is that the longer that I am a wife and mom, the more there is to learn.
So this year is about the learning and growing. Cheers 2017!
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