I'm reading Interrupted, by Jen Hatmaker, based on a recommendation from a great friend, Denise. She obviously wasn't aware that this book would be brutal to me, or maybe she did... But either way, it's good. Very good. In fact, I've highlighted, dog-eared and highlighted some more all through out this book. I should have been clued in when the cover says, "When Jesus WRECKS Your Comfortable Christianity." Anyway, thank you Denise, you've wrecked me, or should I say blessed me.
This section right here blew me away. After days of praying and contemplating tithing, giving, how much to give, who to give to, can I afford to give, can I afford to REALLY give, will giving and tithing make a difference, where will my money go, yes I've pondered all these and more... Then, I read this:
"We do not get to opt out of living on mission because we might not be appreciated. We're not allowed to neglect the oppressed because we have reservations about their discernment. We cannot deny love because it might be despised or misunderstood. We can't withhold social relief because we're not convinced it will be perfectly managed. We can't project our advantaged perspective onto struggling people and expect results available only to the privileged. Must we be wise? Absolutely. But doing nothing is a blatant sin of omission. Turning a blind eye to the bottom on the grounds of "unworthiness" is the antithesis to Jesus' entire mission. How dare we? Most of us know nothing, nothing, of the struggles of the poor." (pg 62-63)
God doesn't always tell us WHO to give to, he tells us to give. He doesn't specify only love this person, he tells us to love everyone. I have more reading to do, but know I am re-thinking my entire thought process on this. I know many non-Christ followers who live by this, they give freely of their time and money, just because they are purely GOOD people. A very strong atheist I know, stops and talks to homeless people everyday, because they are human too and deserve our time and understanding. Then, there are professed "christ-followers"who would NEVER stoop to do something like that because they would say that person needs to get a job. There is such a wide spectrum here. I've given money to the homeless person standing on the street corner; yet, I've also ignored them. When we can't give money to everyone, what do we have to give? God's Love.
My goals this year included, "Being a Light" to others. This can be done through sharing, caring, giving and many other ways. But turning a blind eye, will not help me be a light. It only shadows the light I have.
"When Jesus' followers asked what to do about the weeds in the harvest field, He said to treat them the same as the wheat, "because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them" (Matthew 13:29). (pg. 63)
I don't have the answers to who, how, how much, when, etc... to give of my time, my money. But I have a much clearer direction, and wide open eyes now that I've been smacked in the face by God. We make it too complicated. Giving should come from our heart, it should be joyous and something that pours from us. I'm working on this. When the thought crosses my mind, "you should pay for that", "you should give this," etc... Instead of doubting myself or worrying who's watching, what they will think about it, or if I "CAN", I need to just follow the leading in my heart and "DO". I can do it. I can do anything he calls me to do. Now, it's just listening to that call in your heart, finding that passion, and seeing in what direction you are led to serve.
ps. get this book!
Didn't I mention this book wrecked me??? We did it as a small group on a whim one summer. In case I didn't get a "Godbrick" reading it I surely got another when we discussed it. I started this book not taking notes in it. I ended it all written up and marked up.
ReplyDeleteI miss hose opportunities. And I find myself begging God to let me try to get it right again. It's a vulnerable feeling. But it's right.
Love you! And so glad we have this book in common now. :)
LOL, you did not mention that on the initial recommendation! So glad you didn't, I may have paused while deciding between books... I had that yesterday right before writing this, a missed chance. As soon as I walked away the thought crossed my mind, "you should've..."
ReplyDeleteThanks again for sending me the book suggestion! ;-)