Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Be Brave

Last night I went to bed thinking about all the resolutions I need to make... And I wanted to pick my ONE WORD for 2015 that would change my life. I couldn't for the life of me think of just one word, or at least one word that felt right... There is a lot I want to do. It's a big year, our oldest will go off to college. I want to get back in shape. I want to reduce our debt, start and maintain an emergency fund. I want to travel and take family vacations. I want to build a business. I want to have healthier relationships. I want to be a light-everywhere that I go, I want to bring light to others. I want to give more, more time, more money... And my forever working on resolution, be more organized and focused in everything I do. But there wasn't just one word that could help me with all of that. I usually end up not completing resolutions. They are hard, they take time. They take courage. It means CHANGE. It means trying to change relationships, myself, my daily to-do lists...

Then, in the shower this morning this song, BRAVE, came on. I love this song. I love the video. And there it was. My word. The actions I am going to need to take in 2015 all require me being BRAVE. I need to have the courage to make the changes, to do the hard things instead of easily standing by and doing the same old stuff. If I want 2015 to be a great year, full of changes, then I need to BE BRAVE.

"Baby there's a way out of the cage where you live,
Baby one of these days you can let the light in, 
Show me, How Big Your Brave Is..."

I'm also working on a Goal/Dream Board, My Brave isn't just having resolutions, it's working towards my goals and dreams. I'm setting BIG goals and going after them this year, and it will require that I have courage. That I am BRAVE. My new motto... 

So what's your goal, your dreams, your resolutions for 2015? What's your ONE WORD that will transform your life. What will you live by in the New Year? Comment below. The first step towards your goals is sharing them and finding that person who will hold you accountable. Let 2015 be YOUR year. You are strong. You are amazing. You can change your world.

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